张国城 张国城







1980.10         出生于福建泉州

1996.9- 1999.7   福建永春第一中学(高中)

1999.9- 2003.7   福州大学化学系,化学专业,理学学士

2003.9- 2008.7   中科院化学研究所,物理化学,博士学位

2008.7- 至今    北京市计量检测科学研究院,高级工程师


1. Guocheng Zhang, Xiaodong Zhai, and Minghua Liu*,Spacer-Controlled Aggregation and Surface Morphology of a Selenacarbocyanine Dye on Gemini Monolayers,J. Phys. Chem. B,2006, 110, 10455-10460

2. Guocheng Zhang, Xiaodong Zhai, Minghua Liu* Yalin Tang, Yazhou Zhang,Regulation of Aggregation and Morphology of Cyanine Dyes on Monolayers via Gemini Amphiphiles,J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 9301-9308

3. Guocheng Zhang and Minghua Liu*, Interfacial Assemblies of Cyanine Dyes and Gemini Amphiphiles with Rigid Spacers: Regulation and Interconversion of the Aggregates,J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112 (25), pp 7430–7437

4. Guocheng Zhang, Xiaodong Zhai, Minghua Liu*, Yalin Tang, Xu Huang and Yilin Wang,Spacer-Modulated Aggregation of the Cyanine Dye on the Vesicles of Gemini Amphiphiles,Langmuir, 2009, 25 ,1366–1370

5. Guocheng Zhang, Minghua*,Acidichromism and chiroptical switch based on the self-assembly of a cyanine dye on the PLGA/PAH LbL film,J.Mater.Chem., 2009, 19 (10), 1471-1476

6. Tifeng Jiao, Guocheng Zhang, Minghua Liu*Design and Interfacial Assembly of a New Series of Gemini Amphiphiles with Hydrophilic Poly(ethyleneamine) SpacersJ. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 3090-3097